Contiweb Uptime Kits
Critical parts available
The benefit of experience
As a market leader in heat set web offset auxiliaries, Contiweb’s service experience is impressive with an installed base of more than 2200 splicers and 1200 dryers worldwide. Over the years, Contiweb has reinforced its service know-how with input from our remote diagnostic system, spare parts consumption analysis, feedback from specialized field service engineers and expertise from its Research and Development team.
This extensive experience and know-how is made available to our customers through sophisticated Uptime Kits and our Pro-Active Maintenance packages. The Uptime Kit is specially developed to give you security in the knowledge that in case of a breakdown the needed part is available in your own facility, resulting in a significant reduction of the downtime.
Free analysis of your parts stocks
Contiweb can supply a free-of-charge analysis of critical parts at your facility. This enables you to quickly review your stock positions on-site. We can put together a tailor-made Uptime Kit with spare parts suited specifically to your machines and your budget, considering your current stocks to minimize costs. In case of a breakdown you have the part available and there are no delays waiting for delivery. Would you like more information? Contact Contiweb!