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Contiweb contratos de asistencia técnica

Contratos de asistencia técnica

Compromiso mutuo, máximo rendimiento

Nuestro servicio es más que una promesa. Cuando usted adquiere un equipo Contiweb, está involucrando una relación de colaboración que, al igual que las máquinas, durará décadas. Creemos que este tipo de relaciones a largo plazo y el compromiso mutuo son fundamentales para garantizar la continuidad en el mercado de equipos digitales y de offset de bobina por calor.

Nuestros contratos de asistencia técnica se basan en estos principios fundamentales.

Ofrecemos cuatro paquetes diferentes que se adaptan a una amplia gama de necesidades y filosofías de mantenimiento para:

  • Garantizar un servicio al cliente de alto nivel
  • Aumentar el tiempo de actividad
  • Garantizar unos costes operativos bajos
  • Garantizar el cumplimiento y la sostenibilidad
  • Mantener unos costes de mantenimiento predecibles y competitivos

Support - Soporte

El paquete de Soporte está diseñado para clientes que son totalmente autosuficientes, pero quieren asegurarse el soporte de Contiweb cuando lo necesiten. Tendrá acceso a nuestro servicio de asistencia técnica las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.

Essential - Esencial

El paquete Esencial está diseñado para clientes que realizan la mayor parte del mantenimiento ellos mismos, pero necesitan a Contiweb para el mantenimiento especializado esencial. Colaboramos con sus ingenieros para garantizar un rendimiento óptimo y mantener los costes bajo control.

Achieve - Lograr

El paquete Lograr es para clientes que planifican el mantenimiento anual y se centran en el tiempo de actividad y el rendimiento. Se incluye una visita anual de mantenimiento proactivo, así como todas las piezas de repuesto preventivas recomendadas. Supervisamos el mantenimiento.

Perform - Realizar

En el paquete Perform nos encargamos de todo el mantenimiento. Se incluye una visita anual de mantenimiento proactivo, así como toda la mano de obra y las piezas necesarias para llevar a cabo la inspección, los ajustes y el cambio preventivo de piezas. Supervisamos su equipo a diario para revisar el rendimiento y asesorarle de forma proactiva sobre las medidas que deben tomarse.


The Support package is designed for customers who are fully self-sufficient, but want to assure themselves of support from Contiweb when they need it.
You receive 24/7 access to our Tech Support. Our MyContiweb software gives you a clear vision of your machine performance, including consumption of gas and other resources. A yearly machine performance assessment highlights areas to be addressed, ways to improve performance, and how to reduce costs.
Any spare parts you need are available with an attractive discount. An on-site service visit is available at an attractive and reduced price. 


The Essential package is designed for customers who do most maintenance themselves, but need Contiweb for the essential specialized maintenance.

We work together with your engineers to ensure optimal performance and keep costs under control. An on-site service visit is included in the package, focused on exchanging essential parts and clearing top priority items on a mutually agreed open item list. Access to our 24/7 Tech Support is included, as well as our MyContiweb software which gives you a clear vision of your machine performance, including consumption of gas and other resources.

A machine performance assessment twice a year highlights areas to be addressed, ways to improve performance, and how to reduce costs. Spare parts are offered with an attractive discount. 


The Achievement package is for customers who plan yearly maintenance and have a strong focus on uptime and performance. A yearly pro-active maintenance visit is included, as well as all the recommended preventive spare parts. We supervise the maintenance, and because our Field Service Specialists and your engineers work closely together on the maintenance we ensure labor costs are minimized. A fixed travel budget and labor rate keeps costs predictable.
We also provide an extensive Machine Performance Assessment every quarter based on actual machine data with actionable recommendations to improve performance and uptime. There’s also a quarterly Regional Service visit by a dedicated Contiweb engineer for troubleshooting, uptime improvement and training of your engineers. In our experience, a combination of proactive maintenance and regional service leads to a proven 25% decrease in downtime. 24/7 Tech Support and access to MyContiweb come as standard. 


The Performance package is designed for customers who plan yearly maintenance and have a strong focus on uptime and performance. We take care of the full scope of maintenance. A yearly pro-active maintenance visit is standard, including all required manpower and parts to carry out inspection, adjustments and for changing parts preventively. We monitor your equipment daily to review performance and pro-actively advise you on any actions that need to be taken. A product specialist is available for any performance related issues. We strive to meet a 99% performance level for your equipment.
A quarterly Regional Service visit by a dedicated engineer for troubleshooting, uptime improvement and training of your engineers is also included. A quarterly extensive Machine Performance Assessment based on actual machine data gives you actionable recommendations to improve performance and uptime. A fixed travel budget and labor rate ensure costs are predictable. Access to MyContiweb and 24/7 Tech Support are also included. 

¿Quiere saber más?

Si desea saber qué pueden hacer por usted los contratos de asistencia técnica de Contiweb, póngase en contacto con su gestor de cuentas.